Why Should Due Diligence Matter to You?

Multinational companies are increasingly requiring substantive documentation and supply chain compliance information from their suppliers, distributors, agents, consultants and service providers. For this reason, TRACE and Etik ve Itibar Dernegi are working together to bring practical guidance to Turkish conglomerates, SME’s,and multinationals on anti-corruption compliance.

As the standard setting organization for third party due diligence, TRACE is partnering with Etik ve Itibar Dernegi to give companies accessto TRACEcertification. With this compliance credential, companies registered and/or operating in Turkey are able to quickly respond to due diligence requests while demonstrating their high commitment to transparency and supply chain integrity.

When Your Client Requires Detailed Due Diligence Information, Evidence of an Anti-Bribery Compliance Program and Completion of Anti-BriberyTraining

The Solution Is TRACEcertification

This comprehensive due diligence review and approval process eliminates screening costs for multinationals and provides certified entities with portable compliance reports.TRACE Certified companies are“pre-vetted” partners for multinational companies seeking to do business with suppliers who share their commitment to transparent business practices.

Reports contain a wealth of anti-bribery compliance information establishing that an individual or organization has completed internationally accepted due diligence procedures and has been thoroughly vetted, trained and certified by TRACE.

TRACE Certified agents and suppliers enjoy the following benefits:

Inclusion on lists provided by TRACE to multinational companies seeking busines spartners in your region

  • Support with adopting an appropriate code of conduct
  • Free online anti-bribery compliance training for your employees
  • Permission to use the TRACE logo in your marketing materials or on your website
  • Portability of your certification report to share with all of your business partners
  • Ability to market your commitment to good governance with an internationally accepted complian cecredential

TRACEcertification Report Components

  • True Beneficial Ownership
  • Business Structure
  • Information Regarding Subsidiaries, Affiliated Entities and Third Parties
  • Business Registrations
  • Countries In Which Services Are Provided
  • Identification of Company Owners, Directors and Key Employees
  • CVs of Company Owners, Directors and Key Employees
  • Certification of Current and Past Government/ Military Ties of Company Owners, Directors and Key Employees
  • Certification of Outside Ownerships, Directorships and Employment of All Owners, Directors and Key Employees
  • Full Disclosure of Family Members’ Government Ties
  • Corporate Literature or a Company Description
  • Business References
  • Financial Reference or Audited Financial Statement
  • Certifications Regarding Past Misconduct
  • Evidence o fAnti-Bribery Code of Conduct
  • Responses to TRACE world renowned questionnaire
  • Watch List Searches
  • Politically Exposed Persons Database Screenings
  • Print-Based Media Searches
  • Internet-Based Searches
  • IdentificationofRedFlags
  • Completion of OnlineAnti-BriberyTraining

In all correspondence to TRACE, please reference “TEIDAssociate.”

As an authorized partner of TRACE, Etik ve Itibar Denegi is available to assist Turkish companies with their due diligence needs.

For all inquiries, please contact: info@teid.org.tr

TRACEcertification is not a guarantee against past or potential wrongdoing by the certified entity or a guarantee against potential liability. A summary of any“red flags” identified during the TRACEcertification review will be included in the report, but not all red flags preclude TRACEcertification.

©2014TRACEInternational,Inc. All rights reserved.

